DigiMax Wooden steps

Extend the function of your DigiMax Gait analysis by the particularly adapted wooden steps.

The everyday-life stair-rising represents a situation, which can be trained especially with most gait school patients. Gain more quality for your Gait Analysis and visualize the arising forces in the side comparison.

The stair adapter consists of three parts which are equal in lengths and can be used also individually.

With the middle part you also receive a split seat box. Now , you can permit conclusions concerning the body statics in the side comparison with the DigiMax Gait analysis or the DigiMax Force plates, which is especially interesting for people which are suffering from lumbar-pain or for wheelchair patients.

Break through the limits and achieve a maximum of performance-variety from your DigiMax products!


DigiMax Systems

Fritz-Husemann-Straße 59
59077 Hamm

Telefon : +49-2381-3074862
Fax : +49-2381-3074864


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