You got it in your grip!  


DigiMax hand force device - the technical fulfilment of therapeutic requirements of the hand surgery.

Simplest handling, precise results of measurement - the virtues of the DigiMax measurement technology appear also in the most compact representative of the DigiMax product platform.


The advantages are not to dismiss:

  • reproduceable test results
  • graphs and bar diagrams
  • maximum measuring accuracy
  • diagnostics assistance
  • suggestions for standardized test runs
  • therapeutic control assistance
  • motivation assistance
  • visualize the will of the patient to perform

Operate the DigiMax hand force measuring device simply with the classic DigiMax S or the DigiMax muscle function test case.


DigiMax Systems

Fritz-Husemann-Straße 59
59077 Hamm

Phone: +49-2381-3074862
Fax : +49-2381-3074864


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